Are you called “KAT” or Kristen?

My name is "Kristen" and most people call me that. Early in my corporate career, I started signing my emails with my initials "KAT" and it became a thing for my colleagues and work friends to just call me that, and it stuck!

What is coaching?

Coaching is the act of supporting an individual (or individuals) in achieving their goals through solution-focused, open-ended questions and dialogue aimed at instilling confidence, action and clarity for the client(s.) Coaches don't tell their clients what to do; rather we help our clients uncover the answers deep within.

What’s the difference between a life coach and a career management coach?

Being a career management coach means that I have a very specific area of expertise and 30 years of experience in career development and growth, as well as the tactics involved in navigating one's career that add value to my clients' coaching experience. Life coaches add value in all different aspects of your life which may include your career - but when it comes to pro-actively managing your career options and choices, you want to hire an expert.

What’s a typical session like?

Coaching sessions are not "cookie-cutter" - they are always based on my clients' agendas, the topics that are on their minds, and challenges they are facing. One-on-one sessions are a full 60 minutes. When a new client starts with me, we walk through a process of how they will approach each session with me.

What does ACC mean?

The ACC (Associate Certified Coach) is a designation awarded by the International Coaches Federation, the international body that governs professional coaches. ICF coaches are the highest pedigree of coaches and you can trust that they are experts in the field as the designation is earned based only on completion of an accredited coaching training program, a minimum number of paid coaching hours performed, and ongoing professional education credits. It also must be renewed every few years to remain active.

Are coaching sessions virtual or in person?

My clients are all over the country geographically speaking so most sessions are held virtually via the Zoom video platform; this also allows for screen sharing and other interactive functionality. Because of this, even my more local clients prefer to meet virtually!

What do your services cost?

Because I offer several levels of coaching packages and options, it is best to schedule time with me to explore the option that is best for you and learn about pricing options at that time. I can assure you that my fees are quite reasonable and encourage my prospective clients to compare them to other fees out in the marketplace.

How can I learn more about your services?

I encourage you to visit the "Services" pages of my website to learn more; and then schedule a complimentary call with me to discuss your own specific needs and questions.